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[Mac]iTerm2 3.4.0beta11 - 强大的开源终端神器

更新时间:2020-10-20 11:46:26    浏览次数:868+次

iTerm2 是一款Mac终端模拟器(终端增强),有拆分窗口,搜索,命令智能提示加自动完成,历史记录,完全可定义的终端皮肤风格等等。

[Mac]iTerm2 3.4.0beta11 – 强大的开源终端神器图片


- Disable GPU renderer for obscured windows when
  using the integrated GPU.
- When a tmux pane fails to split, don't detach.
- Remember tmux window sizes when reattaching.
- When disintering a buried tmux tab, put it back
  in the right position in the same window it came

Bug Fixes
- Fix a bug where trimming whitespace when copying
  didn't work.
- Fix a bug where tux windows would sometimes have
  a discolored bar at the bottom.
- Fix a bug where Swap With Session didn't work on
  tmux panes.
- Fix crash on startup.
- Fix a bug where arrangements created with tabs
  that were created using "new tab using same
  profile" would not restore with the same
- Fix a bug where scrollbars could overlap content
  when changing scroller style.
- Fix a bug where the tab bar could remain visible
  after exiting full screen when there is only a
  single tab.
- Fix a bug where quickly resizing tmux windows
  would increase the bottom margin.
- Fix a bug where Window > Resize Window would
  cause tmux windows to resie incorrectly.


下载链接:iTerm2 3.4.0beta11