Registry Finder注册表搜索工具,可以在注册表中快速查找指定内容,搜索位置包括整个注册表,也可以是指定键值。
Version History
- 2.35 (May 20, 2019)
- Feature: Ability to search favorites with specific substring in any field: key, value, description, etc.
- Feature: Ability to show favorite items from subcategories
- Improvement: Status bar in the Favorites window shows number of keys, values and selected items
- Fixed: Truncation of binary data when importing from .reg file. Reported by Stefan Waldmann
- Fixed: It was required to reopen Favorites window in order for the font changes to take effect.
- Fixed: In the Find dialog, folding and unfolding controls by one of the “+” buttons incorrectly enabled some disabled controls.
官网下载:[Download?32-bit?64-bit?Installer (includes both 32-bit and 64-bit)]