Bulk Rename Utility 中文免费版 - 优秀免费的文件更名工具
更新时间:2020-09-15 11:06:42 浏览次数:883+次Bulk Rename Utility是一款文件批量重命名软件,它具有非常多的文件改名功能,为用户提供各种不同的改名方案,包括添加日期、自动编号和删除插入字符等等。另外Bulk Rename Utility还支持更改文件扩展名,能够极大地提升用户的工作效率。
Bulk Rename Utility 更新日志
Added ‘Simple’ regular expressions in RegEx (1).
Added ‘v2’ (version 2) regular expressions in RegEx (1).A
Added support for multiple regular expressions in RegEx (1).
Added support for multiple replacements in Replace (3).
Added support for full file paths in Import Rename pairs.
Added new ‘Item Date’ column to file list containing the Windows Item Date for media, pictures, videos, HEIC files, etc. It also supports dates earlier than 1970 unlike other dates in Bulk Rename Utility.
Added new ‘Item Date’ to Auto Date (8) : Type.
Added Ctrl+8 shortcut for ‘Apply Random Sort to Current List’.
Added Ctrl+9 shortcut for ‘Show Only Items Affected by Renaming Criteria’.
Added new command ‘Clear All Non-Selected Items from Current List’ and Ctrl+0 shortcut.+ Improved items’ selection from the ‘Bulk Rename Here’ shortcut.
Improved selection performed by the ‘Select from Clipboard’ command.!
Fixed typing negative numbers in some renaming criteria fields.!
Fixed ‘Sentence’ case for Extended ASCII characters.!
No longer deselect currently selected items when opening Favourite file